Imortant New Age Music Links
Last Update:2018
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Labels Online
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and Composers Online
2002 a duo with several successful albums under the belt. Truly a worldwide page! Here's Alquimia from Brazil. New on the scene comes. Randy
Anagnostis with DREAMS. Ancient
Future, for a totally different sound. Autum'sChild contemporary instrumental music featuring the Native American flute with cello,
harp, guitar and ethnic percussion. Axiom The name used by Bill Laswell, another ambient pioneer. Laurie
Anderson's CD-Roms (Puppet Motel) on Voyager. Includes her tour notes,
diagrams of her stage and special effects, sound samples, realtime movies,
etc. Great site!! Babak:well
known composer from Iran. With a WINDOW ON THE WEST, there's David
Bach . Staring Into The Sun, by minimalist guitarist, Christian Buehner, composer, musician and sound architect.Joe
Cecil: inspired by buddhist chanting. Has several albums and music samples.Rocert
Carty, excellent Space Music composer. Armen
Chakmakian, keyboardist from Shadowfax presents eclectic new world music. Suzanne Ciani: composer, pianist,keyboardist.
Has recorded many albums for Private Music. Has now her own label Seventh
Wave Dead Can Dance: New Age Avant Garde. Ken Davis: KEN DAVIS RELAXATION
MUSC. Ken is one of the leading New Age Musicians in Australia. Constance Demby: The most famous
femal space music artist. Has recorded many albums. Suzanne Doucet:well
known composer and producer from Germany."Reflecting Light", "Resonance", "The Om Sound," "Transmission". Lee Eisenstein New
age composer and musician. Lives in Hawai. Mixes guitar and gregorian chants! Brian Eno: The Grandfather of ambient
music Enya (Unofficial):Alain
Eskinasi, member of the newage jazzband 3rd Force,and author of albums
like Brainscapes and Chakradancer. Farzin:Sax player
and composer on Aladdin Records. Chris Field, well known trailer composer and new age reccording artist. Christopher
Franke:Co-Founder and Ex Tangerine Dream member. Has his own label.Sonic
Images. Bruce Geller,
contemporary instrumentalist from Southern California, Edward
Gerhard (guitarist, Virtue Records)Evan Gould, Newage Piano Solo--very
melodic and soothing music.Golana´,
Native American flautist.Grundman,
composer from Spain who donates all his profits to DoctorsWithoutBorders. Steve & Dave Gordon, 20 years
bestselling artists. Steven Halpern One of the pioneers of the genre of New Age Music, Crystal Award recipient
Steven Halpern, an internationally well known composer/recording artist, producer
and author has lectured all over the world on the healing power of music.
He has released numerous albums. Scott
Hartley, presents rest Light". Michael
Hoppe, Grammy nominated composer and musician. Has recorded numerous New Age/Classical
albums incl. "Requiem", "The Yearning", "The Dreamer" and "The
Poet". Bruce Geller - Contemporary-Intstrumental New-Age Composer/Recording Artist. Philip
Glass: probably the most famous minimalist that crossed over into New
Age. Gyuto Monks/Tibetan Buddhism: experience the overtone-rich chants of the Tibetan Monks. Don
Harris composer and musician of such wonderfull albums as "Elevations,"
"Shell Game," "Vanishing Point." Heart Zones: Motivated by the emotional healing qualities of music this group is dedicated
to use music as a tool for planetary healing. Phil
Hirsch, owner of Clubhouse Records, "Phil's Harmonic Orchestra". Iasos One of the original founders of new age music. Winner of the Crystal Award
for New Age Artist at the 2nd International New Age Music Conference. Kitaro: One of the pioneers of the New Age Music Scene in the early seventies. Kitaro
recorded for Celestial Harmonies, Geffen and has now his own label, Domo. David
Lanz:New Age piano virtuoso. Mars Lasar,
musician, composer and performer from Australia. Maia: Piano solo pieces on Maia Records Gerald
J.Markoe: Music from the Pleiades, Angel Music and more. Liquid
Mind, 8 ambient healing albums. Most recent "Sleep." Loreena
McKennitt Canadian New Age singer. Marufi:Romantic
pianomusic with a blend of sufi-scales and ocean sounds on Aladdin Records. Maya & Sage: devotional chanting, meditation music, folk songs and
spiritual Love songs.Elise Lebec, new age pianist and vocalist. Mirage:Group
that plays an interesting blend of New Age World Music on Aladdin Records. Mixmaster Morris ambient
composer.Nadimi, new age classical composer from Iran. Pacini:Pacini
composes and performs intuitive and relaxing new age music.Ahmad Pejman, artist on
aladdin records. Wayne Perry:Voice
teacher of Overtone chanting. Deva Premal, the queen of New Age Chants! Gabrielle
Roth, Raven Records. Master of rhythm. Robin
Spielberg, CI pianist: SiaVash composer and keyboardist on Aladdin Records. Michael
Stearns:One of the pioneers of Space Music. Many soundtracks and albums.
Check out the movie "Baraka" now available on Video. Steve
Roach: One of the best American ambient/world music and new age composers.
His "Structures from Silence" is regarded one of the New Age Classics Jon Schmidt's,
Classical New Age homepage. Sounds
of Nature, a series of Nature sounds by Chuck Plaisance & Suzanne Doucet. Chris
Spheeris: critically acclaimed New age Composer and musician. Tangerine
Dream, private page/fan club. Tajalli indigenous music blending new age meditative and world music elements. Drumming
workshops available. John Tesh: Pop New Age - check out John Tesh's Real Audio message Vangelis: One of the most famous New Age Superstars.Lives in Greece. Received Oscar
for "Chariots of Fire" in 1982 Ann
Warner: angel music - posters and more. She also wrote a book! .Warner,
Paul - composer of progressive-classical music, electronic and new
age music. Music devoted to nature, spiritual upliftment and healing the
environment. Author of books of poetry. Tim
Wheater Composer and Flautist from England. Has traveled the world and
collected many musical treasures and teachings Yanni: Pop New Age, Composer and Keyboardplayer from Greece and there is last not least Laurie

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Age Radio Programs
check it out. You will find New Age
Radio charts and more...Hearts
of Space, hosted by Stephen Hill, crystal award winner of 1989. Lists
playlists from 1990, stations that carry the show, and link to the HOS record
label and artists. Echoes, hosted by
John Diliberto. New Age music in an eclectic
mix you will not hear elsewhere. Musical Starstreams,
hosted by Forest, crystal award winner for pioneering in the New Age Media. Several programs are aired on KKUP, Cupertino CA 91.5 FM. 1. Mystic
Music 2. Changes,Ronald
Boortman. SoundScapes at Music Choice (cable TV) plays New Age Music 24/7. There is also DMX digital radio and Sirius, digital satellite radio.
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Music Magazines
music magazine (new site) Dirty
Linen (folk music magazine) Musician
Magazine (new net site): NAPRA (Napra
Review) Membership Organization and Trade Magazine for New Age Publishers
and Record Labels. Strong emphasis on Music. NAPRA offers many benefits to
their members: New Age Retailer Trade
Magazine for New Age Retailers and Suppliers. Strong emphasis on Music. New
Frontier Magazine New Age Magazine. Strong emphasis on Music. Check it out. You will find New
Age Radio charts and more...New Age Voice is a new magazine that has recently
published the first New Age Radio charts. Over a hundred stations & key
retailers report to New Age Voice on a monthly basis.

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New Age Music, Inc. Consulting services for New Age Musicians and labels.E-mail
consultation! Or by Phone/Fax - personal sessions - and ongoing marketing
concepts and/or campaigns for mainstream and alternative markets available. New Editions a new age
marketing company, based in Sedona, Arizona offering mailings, New Marketing
Opportunities, a terrific resource book/directory and more. submit your free
listing!Peer Pressure, top NAC Radio promotion service. National
Music Marketing, available for New Age retail marketing in the mainstream.

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Indexes on the Web
Major Directory of Music Related Web Sites
Go there to add your URL to their list!
New Age
Music List by David
Delay: a master list of music resources: Yahoo
Music Guide, Internet Music
Guide: New Age music section. A boatload of references. All
Music Guide,largest database of music on the Internet.
The New Age Wholesale Directory
A listing of the best New Age Distributors, Wholesalers, and Dropshippers.
Music Research
and Trade Resources
Ascap, performing rights organization, song database
performing rights organization, song database. Music
Pro (Music industry connection to the internet--music professionals website...lots
of links): Pollstar: The Concert Hotline, searchable database of music tours. UseNet
group: World Wide Web of Music, an extraordinary site
of everything about music. Lots of links. ArtistDirect

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MUSI-CAL: To have concerts posted on the web at an on-line music calendar resource,
call 518-372-5583 for instructions. Concerts are searchable by any field:
date, artist, and location within a specified radius. Concert/tour
info Find out where your favorite artist is performing next.

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This list
was originally assembled by Carol Wright
expansion and updates by Suzanne Doucet
for questions, changes or additions please contact
Suzanne Doucet
to contact Carol Wright
mailing address:
Carol Wright, P.O. Box 402, or Lavender Farm, North Beach
Eastsound, WA 98245
Last Update: 2018 Copyright Only New Age Music, Inc. © 1995-2018